Museum Cover Photo April 21, 2018

50 years ago today… Almost a decade of long hours by 400,000 people across the United States to answer President John F. Kennedy’s challenge resulted in this one moment. While…
A piece of the history of Flushing. Dedicated in 1956, for nearly 50 years children and families enjoyed the pool all summer long! While the pool itself is slated for…
Look what we received today! This is one of the concrete Michigan State seals that once adorned the front of one of our local banks. Sadly the bank was demolished…
A sad day in history and reminder of the sacrifice these brave men and women made. On this day in 1986, Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after lift-off…
WJR Radio will be broadcasting All Talk with Tom Jordan and Kevin Dietz this morning 9am-noon! Be sure to tune in to 760AM! We greatly appreciate them continuing to visit on/near…
Estate planning is a topic people tend to put off or ignore, but it’s also one of the most important things you’ll ever do. Properly planning your estate helps prepare…