Do you have a favorite building Downtown Flushing?
Do you have a favorite building Downtown Flushing? We sure love this town!
On February 17, 1863, the First Michigan Colored Regiment was mustered into service against the Confederacy. They later became known as the 102nd U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment.
Here are some more downtown shots to look through. Do you see anything that looks familiar? Staley’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is still there in the same spot!
Who remembers this restaurant downtown, along with #WesternAuto? Flushing Michigan Happenings Flushing Area Historical Society & Museum #FlushingMI #DowntownFlushing #HometownUSA
Look what we received today! This is one of the concrete Michigan State seals that once adorned the front of one of our local banks. Sadly the bank was demolished…
This picture of downtown from perhaps the early 1990’s showing the offices of Dr. Hagan and Hicks Insurance. The building now is home to Judy’s School Of Dance, Flushing Area…
Raubinger Family history. Original house was on Hill Rd, just west of Elms. Farmhouse shown located on Raubinger Rd.