The trains are running today till 4pm
The trains are running today till 4pm! Stop on in and say hi! Flushing Michigan Happenings Flushing Area Chamber of Commerce Lionel Trains
New diesel engine making its appearance at Huckleberry Railroad this summer
For those who fly a U.S. flag at home, please lower it to half-staff today, October 8, 2019, in honor of Grayling, MI resident SSGT Kelly Richard (US Army). He…
Do you have a relative that graduated from Flushing High School in 1938? Check out this graduating class. Flushing Area Chamber of Commerce #flushingmi #thedepot #hometownusa
In an undated photo, here you see a crew of Railroad workers in town with our #Depot just behind them.
Renovations are taking place #downtownflushing and we are seeing some of the original #arches on the facades of the 100 block. We are excited to see the finished product of…